10 de mayo de 2024
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10 de mayo de 2024 | Dolar:$16.88

#ImmiGrad | Jóvenes graduados hacen homenaje a sus raíces inmigrantes [FOTOGALERÍA]

#ImmiGrad | Graduados hacen homenaje a sus raíces inmigrantes [FOTOGALERÍA]

Durante los meses de mayo y junio comienzan a celebrarse las ceremonias de graduación en las universidades de Estados Unidos y una de sus tradiciones consiste en que los estudiantes de ese país decoran sus birretes o gorros de graduados con distintos motivos y mensajes.

Dicha tradición ha dado un giro para los estudiantes de origen hispanos en esta temporada de graduaciones.

Ante los comentarios y políticas antimigratorias del presidente Donald Trump, los universitarios de familias inmigrantes han utilizado sus birretes para enviar mensajes de orgullo por sus raíces.

La tendencia se ha registrado en Redes sociales bajo el hashtag #ImmiGrad, con el que se han compartido fotografías de las creaciones, en muchos casos acompañadas de historias de vida de los estudiantes y sus padres.

I am a product of their hard work, of their sacrifices, and endless love. My diploma is just as much mine, as it it theirs. My long nights of studying don’t even begin to compare to their endless and tired some work, all so I can go to school and not have to worry about anything other than my education. They’ve crossed physical borders to give me unimaginable opportunities and have ALWAYS placed my education first as well as my well being. Earning my degree and continuing my educational career towards law school is the least could do. So yea, I am a product of hardworking immigrants and im fucking proud of it. Todo lo que hago lo hago por ustedes. Gracias Mom and Dad ? #csulb #ImmiGrad #productodeinmigrantes #latinxgradcaps #classof2017

Una publicación compartida de Jackie Carbajal✨ (@_geejackiee) el

Le quiero dar muchas gracias a mis padres por tomar la decisión de emigrar a nuestra familia a “el norte” en busca de nuevas oportunidades. En este país es donde he tenido la oportunidad de encontrar mi pasión y desenvolverme en mi carrera estudiantil y profesional. Gracias por siempre demostrarme que con mucho trabajo, tenacidad, y ganas de crecer uno puedo lograr cada meta que uno se proponga. Ustedes son el mejor ejemplo y los mejores maestros que he tenido. Igual como las mariposas monarcas migran entre México y los Estados Unidos ustedes me han ensenado a conocer nuevos lugares sin nunca olvidar mis raíces. Apa y Ama los quiero mucho y gracias por todo su apoyo, y como siempre me han recomendado (regañado) al fin me puse las pilas! Y cuando me vean volar recuerden….usted me pintaron las alas! I’d like to thank my parents for taking that life changing decision of immigrating to America in search for better opportunities. In the US I have had the opportunity to find my true passion and develop both my student and professional roles. Thanks for always demonstrating that with hard work, persistence, and aspirations to grow one can achieve any goal one proposes. You are the best role models and teachers I’ve had. And just as the monarch butterflies migrate between Mexico and the US, you have taught me to seek adventure in new places without forgetting where I came from. Apa y Ama I love you guys and thanks for your support, and as you have always advised me (scolded me) finally I got my act together! And when you see me fly high remember….you painted my wings! #immigrad #mexican #master #msg #gerontology #csulb

Una publicación compartida de Gerontologist/Researcher ?? (@insta_gabee) el

Today I was able to participate in Chicano commencement with my family and friends. This accomplishment isn’t for me, but for my entire family who has sacrificed so much for me to have the opportunities that they didn’t. For my Grandpa Cruz who is watching over my family from heaven. Although he’s no longer on earth, my dad still embodies his spirit in the sombrero he wears, a sombrero that once belonged to mi Abuelo. For my Grandmas who I love and miss dearly. Strong Mexican women that have raised strong children, and survived battles including poverty, illness, and cancer. For my parents, que dejaron sus vidas en la Tierra de Mexico, para dar nos la opportunidad de un sueno Americano. Who crossed the most dangerous of frontiers so that all of their children could cross the stage. And for all Unapologetic sons and daughters of immigrants across the nation that show Donald Trump that we are some #badhombres and #chingonas that are here to stay. Si se pudo. #politicalscience #2017 #csub #badhombre #heretostay #immigrad #CSUBgradcap @undocumedia

Una publicación compartida de Randy Villegas (@randy43841) el

Immigrants make America great! I remember the extra hours after school learning English. I remember all the teachers and classmates who said I was “good.. for a Mexican.” I remember the long nights filling out scholarship applications. I remember all those who didnt have the opportunity I did to pursue further education. I also remember all of those who cheered me on. My mom and dad working long nights to keep food on the table. Teachers and peers who double checked my applications to make sure I didn’t have silly grammatical errors. I remember it all. For those who can relate. Si se puede. Remember that hard-working, dedicated, and passionate immigrants, make America great. #ImmiGrad #sf #heretostay #mexico #usa #sisepuede #badhombre ??????????????

Una publicación compartida de Uriel Zarate (@zarate_805) el

Tal vez te interese:  Instituto Nacional de Migración, sin base de datos para buscar a migrantes

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